Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015

Third period completed their midterm exams today. All grades have been entered and are final unless I've spoken with (or emailed) a student individually.

Reflections on the 1st 9 weeks:

  • Writer's Notebook entries are still a little thin. Students are challenged to write at least 1/2 a page on Mondays and Tuesdays when we respond to articles and share our own opinions. Be sure you're telling the whole story in your entries!
  • Often, when we think of a protagonist, our minds automatically go to "good guy." That's not always the case. The protagonist is the character who drives the action and usually undergoes a change. Same goes for the antagonist: he/she isn't always a bad guy. The antagonist is the character who is in conflict with the protagonist.
  • When you read a passage and become confused, that doesn't mean the author's intention was to confuse the reader. 

Goals for the 2nd 9 weeks:

  • Write every day!
  • Read every day! (2 independent choices from the AP lists provided on classroom: List 1 List 2)
  • Use proper MLA format on everything!

We'll begin the 2nd 9 weeks on Monday with an Inquiry By Design unit about retellings.


  1. Great goals! Trick is that we all need to read those recommended books too. I'm working on the ones I haven't gotten book at a time!

    1. You're right! I'm reading A BRAVE NEW WORLD by Aldous Huxley. It's been on my shelf forever!
